Testing Information
TN Ready End of Course Exams (EOC)
- English I
- English II
- Algebra I
- Algebra II
- Geometry
- Biology
TN Ready End of Course exams count 20% of a student's average. Click here for the Greene County Board of Education Policy.
State Dual Credit Courses (SDC)
- World History
- US History
- Pre-Calculus
- Probability and Statistics
- AG Business
- Psychology
- Sociology
For more information about SDC courses, please click here.
Tennessee Specific Industry Certification (TSIC)
For more information about each pathway click on the exam titles below.
ACT is a graduation requirement for all students who receive a Tennessee diploma. If you have questions about this, please click here for the FAQ page. Students are given a free opportunity to take the ACT during the spring of their junior year with a retake in the fall of their senior year. Students who make a 21 or higher on the ACT are considered Ready Graduates and meet a part of the requirements for the HOPE Scholarship. For more information about the ACT, please click here (official site) or see our school's ACT information page by clicking here.
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
The ASVAB is an aptitude test, measuring students' abilities in various areas including general science, arithimetic reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, electronics information, mechanical comprehension, verbal ability, math ability, science and technical ability, etc. The ASVAB is very useful for students who are planning to enter the military or interested in learning about what careers might be a good fit for them. Furthermore, the ASVAB allows students the opportunity meet an EPSO by making a 31 or higher on it and scores are reported on students' high school transcripts. For more information about the ASVAB, please click here. For more study resources, please see our Study and Learning Resources page by clicking here.
Many high school students are familiar with the ACT, but there is another college admissions exam that is also well-known and accepted--the College Board's SAT. Before taking the SAT, many students will sit for the PSAT during their sophomore and/or junior years of high school. Although colleges do not use the PSAT for admission, it is a very valuable high school test. The PSAT allows students to earn recognitions from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation that may provide a student with monetary compensation. Because of the prestige associated with being a National Merit Scholar Semi-Finalist or Finalist, a student may receive other financial incentives from colleges including grants and/or merit scholarships. Even if a student does not receive a monetary award from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, they do provide select high scorers Letters of Commendation, which can bolster a student’s college résumé. For more information about the PSAT, please click here.
Students Are NOT Allowed to Opt Out of State Testing